2012 Cat 3 - Flagstaff Frenzy Championships |
The Mountain Bike Arizona Association (MBAA) series is a great way to kick start racing mountain bikes in Arizona. Though, as mentioned in my earlier blogs on how I got into racing, the 24 HOP was the initial motivator but the MBAA's offered many age/experience category races to choose from. Since I started a few years ago the time frame of the MBAA's and their races has been considered my race season with a few individual races thrown in there like the 24HOP, Whiskey and Fat Tire 40. I highly recommend this series or at least doing a couple off and on if you're able. They are ran by an extraordinary group of volunteers who use the proceeds to give back to the trails in AZ that you love. They also give trail love/maintenance and numerous grants to non-profits that also advocate for cycling in AZ. This on top of the events being a blast. Win-Win!
2012 Cat 3 - Flagstaff Frenzy - 1st |
I've always wanted to capture my MBAA experiences with a blog so here we go...
That first 2012 MBAA race called The Foray at the Fort, located down in my hometown area - Fort Huachuca, provided me with the fire I needed to start the addiction. I was the only one in my first timer category but started with the Cat 3 (beginner) girls. I didn't understand the concept of the categories then and thought I was racing everyone I started with. I stayed in the back even when the gun started to not get in anyone's way. I wasn't too sure about this. The course was very hard for me at the time both technically and lung-busting not to mention I was 30lbs heavier. Eventually I finished with a smile on my face. I made it! After the race I went over to look at my time to see if I won not knowing that I was guaranteed the win because I was the only first timer. My time was significantly faster than the other girls I started with and I asked someone to help explain why mine was 30 min faster. That didn't seem right. She told me that I wasn't competing against the Cat 3s, just the first time women. Oh I get it, duh. Awesome. BUT then she looked at my time and told me that there must have been a mistake because there was no way I could have been faster than Bethany, she wins all the Cat 3s. Umm thanks? Hmm ok so who is Bethany and how can I beat her? No offense to her but you may as well of painted a target on her back. She was right though about my time. It was hosed because of my brain fart riding through the finish prematurely instead of the lap lane. NOOOOBer mistake. It was fixed later and I was several minutes behind Bethany.
2013 - My first Cat 2 Race - McDowell - Got 5th - See my feeder bag? lol |
Cat 2 McDowell - Totally dying |
So I increased my riding to 3-5x a week, lost some weight in the process, and did one more MBAA race up in Flagstaff that year, this time as a Cat 3. I shied away at the start in the back again and got caught behind a train. Why did I do that? I don't know. Lack of confidence; I thought I was still slow. This course was a lot harder to pass at first. I eventually got past everyone and caught Bethany on the second lap. Sure she wasn't in my age category but I knew if I finished close to her or even beat her, I'd have a great overall time. We fought for position all the way until the last 1/4 mile where I tried to make a move, hit some sticks, and slashed my tire. At the time I had never changed a tire or didn't know what to do so I used my CO2 for the first time. Interesting and cold. It ended up going flat again after a couple pedal strokes. So I had to run my bike in. I did it though, I had caught Bethany which to me was an improvement, a goal of mine to see if I could compete with the best at that level.
Cat 2 White Tanks -3rd |
My first lessons came from that race. One, know your course, your competition, and don't shy away at the start especially if it's tough to pass - be confident - you can compete with these girls. Two, don't try to pass on a pile of sticks. Three, when you're exhausted it's difficult to fish all that you need out of a gigantic Camelback to fix the problem. I'd have to take a different approach to keeping my tube and flat accessories more accessible. Four, I didn't need 3 liters of water or that big camelback for an hour long race. I don't think I even took a drink anyway. Five, what the hell is a Gu?
After the Flagstaff race, I was hooked. I didn't know anyone really but I still had a blast. It felt good to have sport and competition back in my life and couldn't wait for next season.
Cat 2 Fort Huachuca (FH) Start |
By the time the 2013 season rolled around, I had improved my endurance to where the Cat 3 distance of 8-10 miles wasn't worth driving hours to compete in, so I decided to try Cat 2. I was super nervous. I still didn't feel like I knew what I was doing and these girls were even faster. McDowell marked the first race where I raced unattached. After the race, I went and visited a friend at the OVB area and met Beth Utley, team captain of OVB and an amazing rider. I had already stalked her and other super fast people on Strava a ton trying to answer the question, how are they so fast? So I was kinda star struck (haha Beth never told you that). Since there were not many Tucson teams, I inquired about joining theirs. What a sweet opportunity to learn from her. She was excited...YES another girl! :). So I signed up with them and it's been the best thing I could have done besides actually get into racing. I love my team!
Cat 2 FH - 1st |
Anyways, this first race I got 5th. I still had no clue what I was doing to fuel myself or what I needed out there. So, and don't laugh, I actually had a feeder back and 3 L of water LOL. It was only about 1.5 hr race. Well I was nervous about the extra mileage of Cat 2 GOSH. In hindsight I now understand the funny looks I was getting. That Cat 2 season was so fun. I loved the group I raced with. We were the biggest out of all the women categories, many worthy of Cat 1 - Shandra, Darci, Tina, Valerie, Hillary, Demelza, Connor...we were stacked. Moving up to Cat 2 was the best decision as these awesome riders pushed me to be faster and made my 1st full MBAA season an absolute blast!
Cat 2 - Met Todd Wells at FH even though didn't know who he was then ha. |
During the 2013 season I also started meeting more people. As the sport changed my life and health for the better, I became motivated to try to find more women riders and get more women out on the bike hoping to change more lives for the better. Also, besides racing, where are all the women riders in AZ at? I set up an FB page to promote this and wow, I started meeting a ton of people, mostly women riders. They all started coming out of the wood-works. Later Beth would set up a women's monthly ride to entice even more.
Cat 2 FH Finish |
Cat 2 Prescott Start |
Cat 2 Prescott - 2nd - Missed my award |
What a crazy learning experience that Cat 2 season was. I chuckle at things I used to do. Many lessons learned came from this season too. As mentioned before I used a feeder bag in the front with Honey Stinger waffles, Gus, and Clif Bloks each race. Totally unnecessary for 1.5 hr race. Don't even try to mess with the packaging of the Honey Stingers and Clif Bloks while averaging 11-13 mph on curvy, bumpy singletrack let alone trying to chew that crap when you can't breathe. Also unnecessary - 3 L of water. I had enough to last me for a 5 hr race lol. Loading myself down with water made me drink more but then I didn't really offset all that with electrolytes. This created an imbalance and then I'd start cramping. I used to wear my G-Forms (protection) for my elbows and knees. I don't regret this despite them being hot at times and the possible chuckles from others. I actually recommend it to those who are first starting out or for anyone that doesn't get a chance to preride a course or even if you're not comfortable with the course. I was still a newb and uncomfortable riding around people - not confident with my control and handling skills. It saved my elbows and knees from a ton of crashes. I crashed even more back then. Now not as much but they are harder when I do. The protection also made me take more risks going faster on the tech and downhill parts. Some comment on my downhill abilities, well without those pads I would have never pushed beyond my comfort zone to gamble with faster speeds. Now that I have the confidence and know what it's like to control the bike at faster speeds, I rarely wear them on XC courses. Many other lessons came with how to pass and when, race preparation and recovery, as well as memorizing certain courses and strategies I'd want to take next time.
Cat 2 Prescott - Met Harvey! |
Cat 2 Prescott - My dog joined me on this adventure |
After the Cat 2 season I had a dilemma. Cat 1 now? I didn't know what I wanted to do. I didn't have the time to train like I did the year before. Also the Cat 2 year was my first full year of racing and only my 2nd year of mountain biking. Those Cat 1 girls were so fast at even longer distances and intimidating. I was given conflicting advice. State champions are suppose to move up but they don't have too. It's not like I won every race. I won one race but was consistent on the podium. My first race I was 5th. I worked hard but I lucked out as some of the girls that could beat me were not at every race.
Cat 2 Flag Championships - Crazy hard course for me then (see other blog) |
At the last minute I decided to go for it. What the hell. I mean doing Cat 2 instead of 3 before helped me get faster quicker. I hoped that moving up would do the same. I also wanted to know what it's like to race at that distance/duration (2-2.5hrs). I wanted to know how they start off. I wanted to be pushed at a longer distance. I needed this type of experience and training whether I felt ready or not.
Cat 2 - State Champion |
So of course I would have a monster crash at the end of Dec 2013 coming fast down Bugs Springs where I where I flipped over the handlebars and landed on my face and wrist. My bike was flung 50 ft down the trail. I cracked my full-face helmet and came away with what we think was a concussion. Luckily, and not sure how, I didn't have severe injuries. I can't really remember that day, just that everyone took care of me. Thank you!
Cat 1 Fort Start |
Cat 1 Flag - Went out HOT - See Kata going WTF?! and Sue's smirk lol |
I was being stupid and trying to still train without letting my wrist heal from my crash because I knew the first MBAA race was coming and now I was in Cat 1. I took 3 wks off the bike and had to settle with running as my wrist wouldn't have it. Ugh. I felt I was losing endurance and my hard work up until that point. But the time came and I stepped up still with my wrist in a brace and gave it my all in that first Cat 1er. I ended up chain dropping right at the start and lost the leaders but caught a few and came out 5th again. That year was pretty cool starting off with those ladies and the pros. What a shocker on how they start off - so incredibly fast.
Cat 1 Flag - Finishing strong |
As the season went on, I got better and more comfortable with longer distances. I started experimenting with taking less water and other fuels - liquid energy. Refining some of the lessons learned from before was the big benefit as well as racing people that would beat me but knowing where I needed to be in order for me to beat them someday. Although they'd be ahead, I'd try to hang on and watch them...I'd watch their positioning, the way they climbed certain hills, where they made their move at, how they would pass, who was good at tech, descents, climbing, etc. It was another great decision to move up a level and learn from these experienced riders/racers. With being more comfortable at racing longer durations, by the time Whiskey time came around, I decided to try the 50 miler as well as later in the summer doing the Barn Burner 104 solo. Many of the Cat 1 women wouldn't make all the races and I ended up State Champ again. Thanks ladies! lol. I didn't get a chance to bond with them as I did with the Cat 2 because of the erratic attendance but I still had a blast that season as my OVB team grew in numbers and we all bonded even more.
Cat 1 State Champ |
Now my second Cat 1 season is here and this year I have a different goal in improving my base/endurance. With that in mind I made a goal to complete a bucket list item - the AZT300. With work and trying to train and preride for that, I've only been to two MBAA races so far. I decided to do the marathon category to help with my endurance training. Being gone for work most of January and not being able to ride, I was proud of my performance at Estrella that was held early Feb. I just completed the White Tanks race and am extremely happy with my performance there as well. So much so I feel another blog :).
SUPER D! So fun - Got 2nd |
As a newb a few years ago, I used to be in awe of the marathoners. NEVER did I think I could ride lap after lap of these courses with faster lap times than I had when I started out when I only did one lap. It feels good to have come this far. I look forward to the rest of what I can make of this season and hope that all this endurance will help me in next year's Cat 1 MBAA and maybe someday move on up to Pro. Thank you, MBAA and Team OVB!
2014 Cat 1 year - Love my Team OVB! |
You amaze me. Thanks for sharing your experience and lessons learned. I can help you with race nutrition.