2013 MBAA Finals Pre-ride and Prep
This is it. The MBAA finals is around the corner. This was one of the races I got my feet wet last year so I thought I already knew the course. That gave me some relief as I'd been gone 2 weekends in a row for races and I needed a weekend home. I did the Cat 3 course last year and knew the Cat 2 did the same with an extra Red loop topping out at 17ish miles and 1500 ft of climbing. Meh, big deal right? Well, luckily someone mentioned that the Cat 2 course was way different this year which prompted me to go check.
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2012 MBAA Finals 1st Cat 3 race - The log on last stretch |
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Oops almost endoed! |
HOLY COW! WHAT IN THE HELL!? TOTALLY different. 26 miles and 3600 ft of climbing!? This bastard would take around 3 hrs. I just got done with the Whiskey for god sakes and wasn't expecting another effort like that until next year. My little Cat 2 legs were used to 14-17 miles, 1-1.5 hrs long, 1000-1500ft of climbing with loops that were all cuddled-up safe and sound next to the venue. They had us going on a gigantic 26 mile loop out into the pine forest abyss where if I got lost would have to incorporate some of the survival methods I learned on the show "I Shouldn't Be Alive."
Oh man, forget that nice weekend off at home. I'm going to HAVE to pre-ride this. My category is packed with stiff competition as we have been the largest of the women categories so far this year. Many of them excel in longer races like this with lots of climbing. With that one race drop rule, I was in the lead with Tina Stocking close behind. If I win or place ahead, I'm good. If she's ahead of me, I'll need to be at least 2 places from her to get the overall. This was before knowing that Darci Komac and Shandra Lee weren't going to race. I thought, crap all three are climby climbersons and I bet they were licking their lips at this course. Demelza Davis and Connor Gifford were in that mix too and it'd be a fight for the top spots. I was worried. Of course I want to win this race but I know my limits and conditioning at this moment. This type of race is teetering on survival vs. race for me. Next year though, no problem!
The next Saturday I went on up to Flag and pre-rode. It was awesome but I became nervous when thinking about racing it. Going race speeds on the exposed, somewhat technical back end for miles scared the hell out of me. I knew I could catch people on this sketchy part (downhill mostly) after possibly getting passed on the 5 mile grind up Elden Rd before that. Should I really go that fast on this exposed section? You fall off the edge and you'll roll down for a while DEFINITELY hurting your chances of winning or perhaps walking or breathing again. Parts like this freak me out because of my fear of heights. Mountain biking has helped me overcome this, but it's still a work in progress. And this is not like an "Oh how cute, you're afraid of heights. Well just don't look" type of fear. Thanks for the unique advice by the way. Never thought of that before. No, I'm talking "vertigo, puking, pass out, suck my thumb in the fetal position when I'm w/in 30 ft near any steep edge" fear. I'm a basketball player at heart and my peripheral vision is always on "see the whole court." "Do you want to win this?! - my inner coach screams. You better change your focus! Besides, the majority isn't a sheer drop, just maybe an average of a 70 deg angle sometimes less, sometimes more. Those down trees will catch your fall after you've rolled a good 100ft. No worries!
By the time we got done with the pre-ride, I was exhausted. I found I took several wrong turns and spent quite a bit of rest time figuring out where in the hell we were on the map. This is AFTER the dude marking the course went by us even. The more I thought about it though, the more I realized the epic riding I just did. Talk about amazing trails to go fart around on but again, I'm racing this sucker - a whole different ballgame.

Ok so how about other fuel? No - no solids, no blocks. I've found that taking in solids during race pace is near impossible. Have you ever tried to chew something while sprint running? Try running a 200m dash while opening a package with your teeth ever-so-perfectly, then chewing it the entire way while trying to breathe and go just as fast. Good luck! I can't believe I even thought that was an ok idea at one point. Go ahead and eat solids if you feel like being cotton mouth and chewing forever then followed by a forced swallow and regurgitation. That is if the sucker doesn't get jolted out of your hand before getting it to your mouth even. I learned that lesson from the first MBAA race at McDowell where trying to down something solid when you're vying for position isn't the easiest. Then it just sits in your stomach. You can feel it there just sitting, waiting for
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MBAA Mcdowell - I'm in the green. See my stupid feeder bag? |
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2013 MBAA Race #1 - McDowell |

I had my fueling plan set. I was done thinking for now. Time to concentrate on training, relaxing, work and family. You can think more on the drive up and while freezing your ass off Friday night in the tent.
Tic Toc Tic Toc..
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