And So My Biking Adventure Begins...

Mile 95!
My adventure into biking in general came when I tore my knee back in Dec 2007. I mean really? Numerous sports all my life and I do it in a flag football game with da boys from work at almost age 30. At the time it was devastating. Several of my friends and athletes when I coached went through this. I knew the pain and discipline it took in rehab if I ever wanted to be active like I once was. After the first few excruciating months I was eventually able to jog and the doc said road biking would be something I may want to look into. I looked into it, decided I can't stand jogging, bought a road bike, and made a goal to do the Tour de Tucson 110 miler in November of 2008 (I know, I know…roadie ha)

Life handed me some sour lemons there for a while after the Tour and I became unmotivated only riding here and there for a couple of years. I slowly became sedentary, oinked out, partied, and got a bit chubby. During this rough patch I moved to Tucson. Little did I know the famous Fantasy Island trail network was almost in my backyard. One day I drove by and saw some people head into this area (Valencia trail head) with bikes. It was funny because I had just made some workout goals to help me out of the dumps and bought what I thought was a badass $200 Diamond back mountain bike from Sports Authority to help kick start reaching my exercise goals. 

My 2nd time trying this. I used to walk it.
One of my 1st rides w/the Tucson MTB Addicts - CHUBBY!
I immediately went home and headed to Fantasy with my bike. I never had been on singletrack before. I didn’t know where I was going or what I was doing but I was having a blast. I don't even think I had a helmet or gloves at the time. YIKES! I now know that I did some of it backwards and ended up lost cutting across the desert and ran into what we know as the fenceline. I followed that praying it led me to my car.  Wrecking a couple times and my asthma acting up prompted me to find people to ride with to be safer. I found SAMBA (Southern Arizona Mountain Bike Association) online. That poor Diamond Back was destroyed after a few rides, so I went out and bought a full suspension GT that was two sizes too small, but whatever, I didn't know the difference and thought it was 20x better than what I had. 

For a couple months I rode with SAMBA and even a couple times with the Tucson MTB Addicts. I crossed Scott's path out there at Fantasy one day and he said he was making a riding club on Facebook. Cool, more people to ride with! It's now a huge hit with over 500 members.

My 1st Milli Run w/the SAMBA Crew
Wouldn't you know that work would send me out on a ton of trips in a row just as I'm starting to get better and used to it. At the time I wasn't into it so much to splurge and rent a bike or keep riding during my trips. Excited to get back, I caught a strange virus. Soon after I got strep, then broncitis, then pneumonia, then some more minor colds and such. It just never ended. This triggered my asthma like no other and I could barely walk at times without breathing heavily. Two weeks of being sick turned to a month, turned to two months, turned to four. I missed riding and tried to go out but had an asthma attack out on the trail. I wasn't recovered enough I guess. It scared me to not do anything for another couple of months. FINALLY, I felt better and reunited with SAMBA around June 2011.

One of my 1st rides back from being sick a long time - 50 yr
Now from June 2011 to Feb 2012 rides were more for comradery and justifying eating 4 carne asada burritos and having 10 beers after. Hey I worked out, so I can have this, right? Last year SAMBA entered a team into this race called the 24 Hrs in the Old Pueblo and I decided to go cheer them on and volunteer. I had never been to a mountain bike race before.

Kathy and I - 1st Brown Mtn Run w/SAMBA
When I got there I was overwhelmed. I had no clue this sport was so huge. Talk about epiphanies. As I was in the tent taking lap times, I noticed these amazing riders of all ages. 60 yr old riders coming in posting faster times than 20 yr olds. The majority of the solo riders were in their upper 30s, 40s, even 50s. Huh, interesting.

Getting better and more brave! - 50 yr
Weeee! - 50 yr (I didn't die on this btw)
I had been going through that “I’m a has been athlete” stage for a while. I had this ridiculous notion that being an athlete ended with college or after my post college injuries. It depressed me. Sports weren't something I just did but they defined me. You don't just wake up one day not athletic anymore.

I felt pressured to move on like "I guess it’s time to settle down, make lots of money, have babies, be what everyone wants me to be. Time to fit into the box, forget that athlete in me." But at that very moment in the 24hr tent I asked myself, why? Look at all these awesome competitors of all ages able to bike circles around me. They have families, kids, some grandkids, jobs, and they are rocking it out there. Why do I have to stop being athletic and competitive? So what if I'm 34. Doesn’t have to be basketball, track, or whatever. I’m pretty good catching on to sports, why not this one? And I have an advantage, I know what it takes to be at a high level of competition and I have a degree in exercise science. I can be my own coach! There is just no excuse anymore for sitting on my ass, moping around feeling sorry for myself. And in an instant my competitive nature, my determination, my definition of myself came back to me.
Learning. Kathy helped me tackle this! Thank you!

And so it began…
My 1st Molino/Milli Run - HARD!


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